Maintenance Services

No more stressing that your travel or work schedule has sent your closet into chaos or that your kids or rotating visitors have left your once-perfect pantry a mess. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that the Simple Spaces team can refresh your systems in a matter of hours.

We offer refresh maintenance services to adapt systems our team has already customized for your space. This could mean adding extra product to accommodate new items, editing out items that are no longer loved or needed, and creating new labels your latest space may need.

Maintaining an organized life isn't a one-and-done task. Our systems are customized to set you up for long-term success, but sometimes life gets in the way and you just need an extra hand to get things back to where your systems were.


  • Remove, sort, and categorize your items
  • Proposal outlining the hours estimated for your project
  • Removal of up to 3 bags of trash and recycling
  • Removal and drop-off of all donations
  • Light cleaning (wipe down shelves, vacuum out drawers, etc.)
  • Addition of new product and labels as needed
  • Returns of all product not used

What's Included


In-home organization with a team of 2+ professional organizers who will do all of the heavy lifting